Your trial is completely free for 14 days so you can fully try Newslit. There is no credit card required for sign-ups. All you need to get started is your email address
Yes! We offer both monthly and yearly billing options. The yearly billing option will save you 2 months. For example, the Advanced Plan is $49 per month when you choose the monthly option, but $41 per month, billed yearly if you choose to pay yearly
Yes. You can cancel your subscription at any time. After your free trial, you’ll be given the choice to pick a plan and enter your payment information. Then you will be billed monthly or yearly but you will be able to cancel whenever you want. Please note that if you cancel before the end of a billing period, you’ll retain access until the billing period is over
Of course! You’re free to upgrade, downgrade, or delete your account whenever you’d like. The changes to your account will be prorated to the difference in price
Definitely! we provide an API service, contact our team to talk about what you need
Yes, we offer significantly discounted rates for students, teachers and nonprofits on our Advanced or Ultra plans. Please contact us for more information