Video Games Industry News

A collection of Video Games latest news, analysis and best practices from top business influencers and the world's most trustworthy sources. -  SARAH PARVINI AP Technology Writer - Video game actors are now on strike. Here's why
Video game actors are now on strike. Here's why
ABC News

LOS ANGELES -- Hollywood's video game performers went on strike Friday after negotiations with game industry giants that began more than a year and a half ago came to a halt over artificial intelligence protections. Leaders of the Screen Actors… - SAG-AFTRA goes on strike against the video game industry
SAG-AFTRA goes on strike against the video game industry
The Hindu

Hollywood's video game performers announced they would go on strike, throwing part of the entertainment industry into another work stoppage after talks for a new contract with major game studios broke down over artificial intelligence protections. - AFP - Video game makers see actors as AI 'data,' says union on strike
Video game makers see actors as AI 'data,' says union on strike
Digital Journal | Elevating voices

Sarah Elmaleh (R) is the chair of SAG-AFTRA's negotiating committee for the video games contract - Copyright AFP Chris DELMAS Artificial intelligence was key to last year's Hollywood strikes, and it has now sparked a second walkout by those actors… - G Kirilloff - Parenting Impacts Video Game Genre Choices, And That's Okay
Parenting Impacts Video Game Genre Choices, And That's Okay

Data shows that moms are gaming, and that they represent a large slice of the mobile-gaming market. Time and material conditions shape what we play and why. A report by Activision shows that, contrary to popular belief, most moms (87%) are playing… - Ann Cao - Tencent, Microsoft, Amazon pitch AI tools for video game developers at ChinaJoy
Tencent, Microsoft, Amazon pitch AI tools for video game developers at ChinaJoy
South China Morning Post

Citing an example, Chen said large language models – the technology underpinning GenAI services like ChatGPT – have helped shorten the time for content generation in video games. “There are many things we want to do in the… - Saqib Shah - Why are video game voice actors striking and which games are affected?
Why are video game voice actors striking and which games are affected?
Evening Standard

The most anticipated video games are facing delays as the actors who voice the characters announced they would go on strike. Juggernaut GTA 6 could wind up being the biggest casualty, but the walkout is poised to upend the entire gaming industry. - Georgina Young - Video game delays likely as voice actors' union clashes with use of AI
Video game delays likely as voice actors' union clashes with use of AI
The US Sun

SAG-AFTRA, the largest union for actors in the US, has called for a strike against 10 companies after two years of contract negotiations. The sticking point seems to be surrounding the use of AI, which threatens the livelihoods of voice actors in… - Tom Barker - Want to Confront Racism and Transphobia? Try Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley's Video Games
Want to Confront Racism and Transphobia? Try Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley's Video Games

There's a lot of positive feedback in the guestbook at Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley's new exhibition THE SOUL STATION at Halle am Berghain, a space joined to Berlin's famously hard-to-enter nightclub. But positive feedback isn't what excites the… - Chris Morris - Video game turmoil: What the actor strike means for blockbusters like 'Fortnite' and 'GTA
Video game turmoil: What the actor strike means for blockbusters like 'Fortnite' and 'GTA
Fast Company

Just shy of a year after Hollywood actors went on strike against the television and motion picture industries, SAG-AFTRA is headed back to the picket lines. The union has called a strike against major video game companies after talks surrounding… - Jessica Acosta - SAG-AFTRA Going On Strike Against Video Game Publishers
SAG-AFTRA Going On Strike Against Video Game Publishers
Hollywood Life

A SAG-AFTRA strike against video game publishers began on July 26. SAG-AFTRA is striking against video game publishers to protect actors from being exploited with the help of artificial intelligence. After a year and a half of negotiations a deal… - Naman Ramachandran - U.K. Equity Stands in Solidarity as SAG-AFTRA Strikes Hit Video Game Giants
U.K. Equity Stands in Solidarity as SAG-AFTRA Strikes Hit Video Game Giants

Equity, the U.K. performing arts and entertainment trade union, has issued a statement of solidarity in response to SAG-AFTRA's video game strike. The U.S. actors' union called for industrial action after nearly two years of negotiations, primarily… - AFP - Video game makers see actors as AI 'data,' says union on strike
Video game makers see actors as AI 'data,' says union on strike

Artificial intelligence was key to last year's Hollywood strikes, and it has now sparked a second walkout by those actors who work in a far larger industry, at the heart of advancing technology -- video games. The Screen Actors Guild (SAG-AFTRA) on… - Sarah Parvini - Hollywood video game performers are going on strike because they worry studios could train AI to copy them
Hollywood video game performers are going on strike because they worry studios could train AI to copy them

Hollywood's video game performers announced they would go on strike Thursday, throwing part of the entertainment industry into another work stoppage after talks for a new contract with major game studios broke down over artificial intelligence… - Sarah Parvini - Video Game Performers Will Strike Over AI concerns
Video Game Performers Will Strike Over AI concerns

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Hollywood's video game performers announced they would go on strike Thursday, throwing part of the entertainment industry into another work stoppage after talks for a new contract with major game studios broke down over… - Rebekah Valentine - What the SAG-AFTRA Video Game Actors Strike Means for Gamers
What the SAG-AFTRA Video Game Actors Strike Means for Gamers

SAG-AFTRA is officially on strike. Last year, we wrote that headline in relation to Hollywood actors taking to the picket lines alongside writers with WGA. This year, the story is video game voice actors, who say gaming companies are refusing to…

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